• Governance and development procedures call for more specialized associations


    ​​During the monthly Tuesday meeting at the Asharqia Chamber branch in Qatif​

    Governance and development procedures call for more specialized associations​

    Asharqia Chamber, represented by its Business Council in Qatif Governorate, organized a monthly meeting on Tuesday 15/November/2022, which was social, as the guest of the meeting was the director of the Social Development Center in Qatif, Barakat Al-Salbukh. Several social activists, and officials of charitable and cooperative associations in the governorate, were present, along with several members of the Chamber's Business Council in the governorate. 

    They talked about the reality of charities and the challenges they face, as the need for development in various fields was emphasized, noting the many products in the legislation and regulations regulating this activity. Some developments witnessed by some charitable, cooperative, and specialized societies, which are encouraged by the concerned authorities, were reviewed, especially in the relationship between general assemblies and boards of directors, and its reflection on the level of performance.​

    In this context, Al-Salbukh confirmed that the Social Development Center in Qatif supervises 24 private charitable societies, 6 cooperative societies, and 8 development societies (which were originally social development committees, but their names, systems, and regulations changed to become societies), in addition to 3 specialized societies, and one family fund.

    He called on businessmen to take the initiative to launch specialized or cooperative societies, as well as more participation with other civil societies.. referring to the new changes taking place in the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, including the launch of the National Development Center, Which gives the centers and associations their legal status, provided that they technically follow the ministries affiliated to them, if they are specialized such as agricultural or commercial associations and the like.

    He stated that the center communicates with the boards of directors of associations in the governorate to explain the new regulations, and conducts awareness sessions, in addition to that our channels are open to all, and the purpose of all this is to preserve the excellence that characterizes our associations, which won first place at the level of the eastern region with the largest number of volunteers.

    He ruled out the idea of reducing the number of associations in the governorate, stressing that the trend is moving towards increasing them, but in other ways, which is specializing in charitable activities, especially in light of the noticeable increase in the population.
    During the meeting, which was held at the headquarters of the Chamber’s branch in the governorate, the Chairman of the Chamber’s Business Council, Abdul Raouf Al-Matrod, spoke and said that we are currently witnessing a great renaissance, especially in the non-profit sector. Nowadays, there is a state of governance for these institutions, and their roles are clear.
    The way it works and its mechanisms are also specific. Organization leads to success, and a sound system produces sound outputs. This is what we need to root at present. We 
    look forward to an expanded forum for these associations. We also hope to support the culture of investing in them to develop their resources. We must make efforts to attract distinguished competencies to work in associations.

    Al-Matrod believes that the associations - since their inception - are voluntary, and the founding members and their boards of directors are volunteers. Under the new regulations and governance steps that are taking place at this level.
    He concluded by saying that our associations are distinguished, our society is benevolent, and the institutions are interactive with all charitable and voluntary work, and those in charge of these associations have only to review and remedy the errors, and we look forward to increasing the number of specialized associations.​

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